# Data Enrichment

# Translation

Sayari translates companies' name attributes data from several key languages to English using commercial off-the-shelf tools. Sayari appends translated names to entity profiles which are indexed for search. Translations are available for:

Language ISO 639-2 ISO 639-1 Tool
Arabic ara ar Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)
Chinese chn/zho zh Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)
Farsi fas/per fa Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)
Japanese jpn ja Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)
Russian rus ru Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)
Thai tha th Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)
Ukrainian ukr uk Google Cloud Translation (opens new window)

# On Demand

Additionally, the Sayari Graph application provides on-demand translation functionality.

# Transliteration

Transliteration (opens new window) involves converting text in one script to another script. Sayari transliterates individual person name attributes which are indexed for search. Sayari relies on a variety of open source libraries for transliteration, some of which have been extended by Sayari, such as:

Language ISO 639-2 ISO 639-1 Tool
Armenian arm hy transliterate (opens new window)
Bulgarian bul bg transliterate (opens new window)
Chinese (hanzi) chn/zho zh xpinyin (opens new window)
Georgian geo ka transliterate (opens new window)
Greek gre/ell el transliterate (opens new window)
Japanese jpn ja pykakasi (opens new window)
Korean kor ko korean-romanizer (opens new window)
Macedonian mac mk transliterate (opens new window)
Mongolian* mon mn transliterate (opens new window)
Russian rus ru transliterate (opens new window)
Serbian srp sr transliterate (opens new window)
Thai* tha th pythainlp (opens new window)
Ukrainian ukr uk transliterate (opens new window)

*Extended by Sayari